The First 5 Things to do as Soon as You Know You’re Pregnant!

Chances are, if you are reading this, you are thinking about, trying to, or are pregnant – congratulations! As a midwife, educator and woman who has also experienced three pregnancies and deliveries, I created a list of the top 5 things to do as soon as you know you’re pregnant. Let’s get you started on your pregnancy journey.

#1 - Find a Care Provider!

Finding a care provider especially if you have a specific midwifery practice or doctor in mind can sometimes be tricky because practices fill up fast. Book an appointment right away! Midwifery practices take fewer clients than OBGYN’s or family practice doctors because most midwives offer longer clinical visits (generally 30-60 minutes per visit compared to the standard 10 to 15 minutes), 1:1 care in labour at home or hospital, and community visits in your home postpartum. With this intensive, personal model of care, midwives simply cannot take on as many clients/patients as standard care.

The intimate model of midwifery care is a lovely choice to explore. Your care provider will be doing primary care, ordering all the necessary tests, procedures, and monitoring the health of you and your baby through pregnancy and into early postpartum – so try and find a care provider you trust who is willing to offer informed choice and truly hear your voice.


#2- Prenatal Vitamins, Mineral, Food & Reducing any Lifestyle & Pregnancy Associated Risks

Early pregnancy is a profound and mystical time. Your body is working overtime to grow a baby cell by cell by cell; this takes a great deal of energy. Energy on all levels: body, mind and spirit. This requires special attention to the diet, including the intake of vitamins and minerals specific to your body's needs. Your care provider will evaluate your blood work in early pregnancy and help to assess these unique needs.

Certain lifestyle choices can negatively impact the growing fetus. Some things to think about include avoiding changing the kitty litter, not eating certain foods (such as unpasteurized dairy, uncooked meats, raw eggs or processed meats and spreads – both animal and plant based), large quantities of caffeine, alcohol, recreational and some prescription drugs, smoking and second-hand smoke, and environmental chemicals. This brief list will get you started on your researching what to avoid in your pregnancy journey. Pregnancy truly is a time to make small changes that hold big positive impacts on your life. 

#3 - Educate Yourself - What to Expect During Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

The pregnancy test is positive – now what? There is a whole world of offerings and options! So, here are some of the “big” ones I have personally experienced or supported my clients through:

  • Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy: This one is a wild card – some of us get it and some don’t. Nausea and vomiting can last weeks or months and in some rare cases, the whole pregnancy.

  • Exhaustion: The baby is going through rapid growth and it is exhausting! The early days of being pregnant often require extra rest even for those who are always on the go.

  • Urgent and Frequent Urination: The growing baby, especially in the first and third trimesters causes urgent and frequent urination (not to be confused with a UTI).

  • Hormonal Changes: The impact of hormonal changes can include hair and skin changes, sex drive can increase rapidly or be non-existent, and emotions can be triggered to feel bigger and flow more freely.

  • The Urge to Make Changes or Start Nesting: I’ve seen so many folks move homes and jobs, do renovations, and finish lingering projects or courses in a race to beat the baby's arrival. 

  • Fetal Movement: It is important to monitor movement from the early second trimester until baby is in your arms. Flutters, kicks, rolls, and wiggles all count and we cover this in detail within Birthing Freedom’s classes.

  • Tests and Procedures: This includes during the whole of the pregnancy, during labour and birth, and postpartum (both baby and your body). We offer a whole class on these topics along with a week by week timeline on pregnancy – we’ve got you covered!

  • Signs and Symptoms of Miscarriage or Loss: This is something none of us want to talk about, but it’s important to have an idea of the signs and symptoms. Experiencing spotting (which can sometimes be normal, so call your care provider), heavy discharge, and tissue or bleeding from the vagina, most often accompanying severe cramping. There may also be both lower back and abdominal pain or an immediate or abrupt stop to your current pregnancy symptoms.

Again, these topics are just scratching the surface of the possibilities that you may discover. It is important to do deeper research for yourself along the way. I always tell my clients to research farther than my words!

#4 - Block out Time for Self-care 

Taking the time every day for some form of self-care can help you feel more balanced, happy and relaxed – if you feel this way, so will your baby. Each pregnancy is unique, and it is important to talk to your baby, or contemplate quietly, anything that fills your soul – even for just a few minutes a day. What is self-care to you? What care modalities are calling you? 

This can include getting 30 minutes of low impact exercise daily, eating and preparing good food and practicing mindfulness. Enjoying time with friends, family or other pregnant folks can be very rewarding and nourishing. Build your community. Rest! Getting enough sleep is a game changer – remember how amazing your body is and how much work it is doing!

You can also prepare for the future; will you take maternity leave? What if a complication arises and you need to leave work or need extra support at home? Journaling can be a great way to look at ideas and feelings!

#5 - Sign up for Pregnancy, Childbirth and New Baby Classes

You will only have this particular experience once. It’s unique and so very special, so why not be as prepared as you can be. Preparing for birth and your new baby can be so empowering and fun, too! 

What makes us stand out from the other classes? At Birthing Freedom our program not only teaches you step-by-step lessons of what to expect, but it also addresses the spiritual aspect of pregnancy and birth. We understand that bringing a new life into the world is not only a physical process but a deeply spiritual one as well.

Our course delves into the spiritual connections that come with pregnancy and birth. It explores the profound sense of purpose, the awakening of inner strength, and the unbreakable bond that forms between parent and child. Through a curated blend of evidence-based education and ancient wisdom, we aim to empower you on both the physical and spiritual planes, ensuring you are fully prepared to embrace every facet of this miraculous journey with confidence and intuition.  


To Birthing Freedom

Our vision is to provide an informative and holistic change in the way birth is experienced by families around the world. We aim to prepare families in body, mind, and spirit for a healthy pregnancy and empowered birth experience. 

Prepare for Pregnancy with a Free Meditation Track by Birthing Freedom

Learn more about our Childbirth Education

Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

What I Wish Knew at My Birth


Slow Food, Healthy Family