Why choose intuitive childbirth education over the ‘traditional’

mother holds baby after birth close up

Let Go of the Old and Welcome the Now! 

  “Angela - Finding people of like minds… it often feels like no one else understands my lifestyle and family choices!”

- Alicia

Does this resonate with you? Are you looking for a childbirth education experience that follows closer to your actual or desired lifestyle a step away from the traditional? 

 I create my reality, and my reality is my life. I would love to witness an explosion of spiritually awakened souls, opening themselves up body, mind, and soul (and ultimately, enjoying beautiful lives!). Change can happen anytime, but there is something magical about pregnancy. It is a feeling or essence, a time to absorb knowledge, a time of knowing and becoming.

I have often wondered how my personal journey could have been different, or easier (even though, really, I would never change a single moment of the ups and downs in my life’s story). This doesn’t mean there isn’t sadness about not finding my community or desired life before I had my babies. It was, after all, these feelings that enabled me to find my way. The ups and downs taught me empathy and compassion, and the ability to hold space for others. It is my belief that if we unconditionally love without judgment, and foster freedom – beginning from the moment of birth – our world would be a better place. Could Birthing Freedom be your start? 

emotional mother holds baby after birthing in water at home

I have learned that focusing on the past interferes with the present, and that worrying about the future is a form of fear and negative imagination. To me, it feels like a waste of energy that could instead be used right here, right now, to enjoy this moment. After all, really, all we have ever had and will ever have is this very moment.  

Let me tell you my story, starting almost a lifetime ago… 

My childhood was turbulent to say the least. I landed in foster care, and, for a time, faced a steady stream of worldly battles and inner hurt. I traveled down a road of unhealthy relationships and had a “life takes hard work” attitude. (Can you see the momentum building here?) I stumbled along, created a family, educated myself, launched a successful medical career, bought a gorgeous home and nice car, enjoyed holidays twice a year – all the things you are supposed to have to “be happy” – but, of course, I was not happy! 

I had cast myself a prisoner of my own life: I became a workaholic and exercise fanatic and these things led to the crashing down of my socially-conditioned barriers. This was not sustainable long term, and looking back I had created a place to hide from my feelings, with my keep busy, don’t stop even for a moment, attitude. The crash came in the form of a serious accident. I wasn't willing to slow down so the universe, karma, my blueprint, or whatever you want to call it stepped in. I was literally forced to stop the moment of my accident, my life as I knew it was forever changed. It may sound odd but losing everything allowed me to look at myself on a deep level. It created the change I needed, it was a gift. I don’t wish this hard of a transition on anyone and for that reason I'm sharing my story. 

I woke up to the realization that I create my own reality. If I could take my thoughts and manifest them into a career and material things, then why couldn’t I do the same with happiness? I could! This realization allowed my heart to open and my life to change. At first it was a slow process, I had to go through the grief of losing my life as I'd created it. I had to heal my physical body and really focus on self care, and self love. I joined groups with others on a similar spiritual life path, listened to endless hours of motivational talks, and started to find the courage to live just for me, not for what I thought society wanted from me.  I now love to wake up each and every day with the unknowing of what is around the next corner. The journey of life is a gift, a gift to be opened slowly, joyfully; I can’t wait to discover all that which awaits me! 

close up of newly born baby in water after birth at home

The childbearing year is a sacred time, a time to learn, grow, and absorb all that you wish to be. At Birthing Freedom, we have created a fun, honest, inspiring place to share and learn. I want to offer you regular blogs, lifestyle encouragement, and education. A place to be you. 

My background in midwifery ignited my passion, and this calling. I want to share happiness – starting with the childbearing year, the journey to birth! I have created a unique Intuitive Childbirth Series, lovingly weaving practical information with the opportunity to awaken the intuitive spiritual aspect of becoming a parent, a look at yourself.   

Having learned from the hundreds of families who invited me into their lives, diving into spiritual teachings, exploring and developing self-love, I have combined my passions to create the ultimate platform to share my intuition, happiness, and knowledge with YOU! I can’t wait to see where it takes us! 


With Love 


Our vision is to provide an informative and holistic change in the way birth is experienced by families around the world. We aim to prepare families in body, mind, and spirit for a healthy pregnancy and empowered birth experience. 

woman sits in light on Vancouver beach

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Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.


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